Doctor2th now offers gum disease treatment in Irvine, CA using Perio Protect®!
Gum disease is the body's response to a bacterial infection in your gum tissue. If left untreated, gum disease could lead into an array of various issues & in worst-case scenarios lost teeth & a complete reconstruction of your gums. However, gum disease is one of the most preventable diseases.

Symptoms of Gum Disease
Common symptoms of oral bacterial infections in the gum tissue include:
- Bleeding gums when brushing or flossing
- Receding gums (teeth appear longer)
- Obvious plaque, tartar or calculus
- Spaces developing between your teeth
- Swollen, red or tender gums
- Persistent bad breath
- Sensitive teeth
- Teeth are loose or mobile
What is Perio Protect®?
Perio Protect® is a comprehensive treatment approach that combines professional cleanings with a special, comfortable tray delivery of medication that you use at home between office visits. The Perio Tray® by Perio Protect® is similar to a mouth-guard, but it has a special sealing system to deliver medication below the gums. You put medication in the tray and wear it for a few minutes a day. It is that easy.
Why Perio Protect®?
Perio Protect® has been a leader in minimally invasive dentistry, as a periodontal (gum) disease treatment, for more than ten years with a method that offers patients a gentle, yet effective way to fight the bacteria that cause gum disease. Tens of thousands of dental professionals have attended Perio Protect® dental trainings to learn this approach and the end result is… patients win.
Testimonials of Perio Protect®
“In my thirty-five years of dentistry, I have never seen anything like this. It does the same for perio that fluoride does for cavities.” -Dr. Terry Spahl, St. Paul, MN
“I have had amazing results with the Perio Protect Method! My personal patients have seen pocket reductions from 8 to 2mm. This morning I had a patient who saw me on May 8, 2007 and today on a follow up recall that same pocket which was an 8mm pocket is now at 3mm. It represents a 1mm per month reduction! FANTASTIC!! We have repeated these results over and over and over again.” - Dr. Randolph Sun, Lakeport, CA
“I have seen a remarkable improvement over the last year using the Perio Protect Method for patients that I have treated for twenty or thirty years without the success that I now have. I can also confirm the improvement by the reduction in harmful bacteria that I see using my phase contrast microscope. This is becoming more important with patients who have heart problems or a stroke.” - Dr. Ronald Cohen, Brooklyn, NY
“These trays will reduce the need for osseous surgery by more than 50%. These are revolutionary!” - Dr. Gary Wiele, Clayton, MO
“I just got back from the Periodontist and he was amazed and wanted to know what I had done to correct the condition. I told him about using the Perio Protect system. He told me that my condition is great. He said he wouldn’t need to see me for a year and then only for a check up!” -Patient: S.O., Elizabeth, AR